Learn a language for free!
Start a new challenge for yourself and learn South African sayings and chirps in any of our 11 official languages! Why? Why not? Let’s have some fun during lockdown!
How it works
It’s simple, just follow the instructions below
If you want to LEARN a language...
Sign Up
Fill in some basic info so we can match you with your teacher
Match Me
We will match you with your language teacher
Connect with your teacher and learn something new
You can tip your teacher for their time by donating any amount
If you want to TEACH a language...
Sign Up
Fill in some basic info so we can match you with your learner
Match Me
We will match you with your learner/s
Connect with your learner and teach them something new
Receive tips / donations for your time from your learners
Benefits of learning a language
- Free or donate to your teacher for their time
- Online language learning when you want
- From 5min a day to an hour
- Get matched for more than 1 language
- Learn local sayings and have fun!