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If you can’t hear the webinar:

Problem: you can see the webinar, but can’t hear a thing.

  • If your browser is muted, you will get a pop up message that the page is muted. just click the “unmute” button to enable the audio.
  • Depending on your browser and settings, the audio may not work after clicking unmute. Just look for the audio icon along the address bar, and enable your audio.
  • Didn’t get that popup about unmuting? Ok, try these:
  • Check your speaker or headphone connections. Unplug and reconnect your audio devices from your computer or mobile phone.
  • Log out and log back in. Exit from the browser, then log back in using the webinar link the host sent you.
  • Open the webinar link using another browser. We recommend Google Chrome for the best experience, but you can use any other up-to-date browsers like Firefox and Safari.
  • Check your internet connection. Live video broadcasts use quite a bit of bandwidth. We recommend a wired connection, but Wi-Fi is good as long as your signal is at 100%. If you’re in a shared network, make sure no one is downloading, streaming videos, or playing frickin’ Fortnite or something.
  • Join the webinar using other devices. The problem could be an outdated OS, especially on mobile devices. It’s best to attend the webinar from a computer to optimize viewing, even though Webinars works natively on mobile phones.
  • Check sound settings for Mac and Windows 10.

If you can’t see the webinar:

The page keeps on loading. You are getting a white or black screen.

  • Log out and log back in. Exit from the browser, then log back in using the webinar link your host sent you.
  • Clear your browser history and cookies. For specific instructions, see the links at the bottom of this section.
  • Open the webinar link using another browser. We recommend Google Chrome for the best experience, but you can use any other up-to-date browsers like Firefox and Safari.
  • Check your internet connection. Live video broadcasts use quite a bit of bandwidth. We recommend a wired connection, but Wi-Fi is good as long as your signal is at 100%. If you’re in a shared network, make sure no one is downloading, streaming videos, or playing frickin’ Fortnite or something.
  • Join the webinar using other devices. The problem can be an outdated OS, especially on mobile devices. It’s best to attend the webinar from a computer to optimize viewing, although WebinarJam works natively on mobile phones.

Clear your browsing history and cookies

       For Google Chrome
For Firefox
For Safari on Mac
For Safari on your iPhone or iPad

Updating your Browser

       For Google Chrome
For Firefox
For Safari

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