What are you looking for?
Coaching and Training
- Are there pdf documents or slides of the course content available to download?
- Can I log into a webinar from a mobile device?
- Do you check the landing page designs and give feedback?
- How do I access the old P13 course recordings, for previous members on the old TLD website/platform?
- How do I create a link for clients to leave Google Reviews for my business?
- How do I find and enroll in a course?
- How do I get support and guidance if I have a question?
- How do I register for the 20 day Business Survival Programme?
- How do I register for the live webinars? I did not receive a link?
- How do I switch between landing pages and mark training sessions as complete?
- How do I watch a recording and earn points?
- How do I watch a webinar or training session on the platform?
- I accidentally marked a course complete, can I still watch it?
- I am not able to answer the poll or chat in the webinar recording?
- I am trying to access a session in the training course and it says not available?
- I am unable to watch or hear the webinars, not able to access?
- I missed a live webinar, how do I catch up and when is the recording available?
- I would like to get feedback on my Value Proposition, how do I do that?
- Is there only one course that comes with the Landing Page set-up, and are the others at a price?
- The training course has already started, will I be able to catch up on missed sessions?
- What if my question is not answered here?
- Where can I find a replay or recording of the first landing page review session?
- Will you be able to help direct "traffic" to my landing page?
- How do I add my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter address URL to my landing page?
- How do I get support and guidance if I have a question?
- How do I upload a video or FB live videos to my landing page?
- May my partner have access too?
- When I share my URL on Facebook, my logo is not displaying nicely, it is cut off or cropped?
- Are there pdf documents or slides of the course content available to download?
- Can I log into a webinar from a mobile device?
- Can I shorten my affiliate link using bitly ?
- How do I access and use the help section (FAQ's)?
- How do I access the platform and find a training course and watch a recording?
- How do I access the platform using my username and password?
- How do I become an affiliate for The Lions Den?
- How do I change my spam filer settings in Outlook to receive emails?
- How do I connect with other members on the platform?
- How do I go back to listen to a part I did not fully understand in a webinar recording?
- How do I join the WA group?
- How do I like the Facebook page and follow it?
- How do I post in the News Feed or comment on a post?
- How do I stop emails from going to my spam folder in Gmail?
- How to I get more points to achieve Lion and King status?
- How to use the coupon code to access the platform?
- I am not able to navigate on the site, save any info on my landing page or even if I click or try to select My Dashboard or Find a Course, nothing happens?
- I am trying to ......... from a mobile device, but it is not working?
- I posted to the News Feed, why can't I see my post? Why was my post removed and marked as "abusive"?
- I transferred from the old Lions Den, how long is my membership valid on the new platform?
- Main Group Rules, PLEASE READ!
- May I put a different email address on the landing page than the one I registered with?
- May we join other chapters in suburbs that we don't live/work in?
- My coupon code or password does not seem to be working?
- Platform improvements and suggestions, what do I do if I want to suggest something?
- The webinar sessions are loading very slowly?
- What are the main Group Rules:
- What are the Terms and Conditions?
- What if my question is not answered here?
- What is your privacy policy?
- Where do I find the Business Questionnaire to complete before starting the training?
- Are there pdf documents or slides of the course content available to download?
- Can I create a new account if deleted mine, but now I have changed my mind?
- Can I get a refund? What is the refund policy?
- Can you confirm if I feature in the member directory as well?
- How do I activate my account?
- How do I buy additional landing page(s) and how much per landing page ?
- How do I delete my account?
- How do I get "reviews" and can I have more than three?
- How long does a subscription last?
- How much does a subscription cost?
- I don't want to be a member anymore, but I want to keep the landing page?
- I transferred from the old Lions Den, how long is my membership valid on the new platform?
- May I put a different email address on the landing page than the one I registered with?
- May my partner have access too?
- What does this membership include?
- What happens if I want to continue after a year?
- What happens when my account is deleted?
- What payment options are available?
- Why haven't I received my activation email?
My Profile
- Can I change my username or email address?
- Do I need to provide my own logo?
- Do you check the landing page designs and give feedback?
- How can my clients find me when searching the member directory?
- How can we get stats from our landing pages? Could we embed our own Google Analytics ID's in the landing page?
- How do I add my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter address URL to my landing page?
- How do I add, edit or delete images, photos, pics from my landing page?
- How do I buy additional landing page(s) and how much per landing page ?
- How do I create a link for clients to leave Google Reviews for my business?
- How do I create a Youtube channel for uploading videos to my landing page or profile?
- How do I get "reviews" and can I have more than three?
- How do I go back to listen to a part I did not fully understand in a webinar recording?
- How do I upload a video or FB live videos to my landing page?
- How many categories/services should I list under?
- How many images can I upload to the photo gallery?
- How to I get more points to achieve Lion and King status?
- I am trying to ......... from a mobile device, but it is not working?
- I can't find a suitable category/service to list my business under?
- I can't find the "logout" button?
- I can't upload my images, photos, pictures or logo?
- I do not have any high quality images to upload?
- I don't like the way my landing page looks on my first attempt, can I change it?
- I want to change my business name (URL)?
- I would like to add some features to my landing page or personalise it further. Or I would like my landing page to be more like a website with additional features.
- I would like to edit or delete a review, how do I do that?
- Is there a way to put images in the "About" section?
- May we copy and paste blog posts from our actual blog onto our profiles?
- My Blog or My Deal page and images are not displaying correctly?
- My client submitted a review, but it is not showing on my landing page?
- My images are not very clear?
- My images are too large, how do I reduce their size?
- My social media links are not showing up on my profile (landing page)?
- Someone filled in the contact form on my landing page and I got a confirmation SMS but no email?
- The changes I made to my profile/landing page are not reflecting on my listing?
- What if I already have a website?
- When I share my URL on Facebook, my logo is not displaying nicely, it is cut off or cropped?
- Why can't I find my landing page yet when I do a Google Search?
- Will someone be able to assist with "wording" for my landing page?
Password & Logins
- Can I get a refund? What is the refund policy?
- How do I cancel my subscription?
- How much does a subscription cost?
- I am having issues or problems paying via Payfast the payment gateway?
- I am trying to ......... from a mobile device, but it is not working?
- I made an EFT payment via the payment gateway, but I have not received my welcome mail?
- I need an invoice please?
- I need business sponsorship, can you assist with funding?
- What payment options are available?
- Who pays for the SMS' when someone contacts me via my landing page?
- Why is it so cheap?
Website or Landing Page
- Do you check the landing page designs and give feedback?
- Do you have more design "themes" to choose from for my landing page?
- For previous members, how do I transfer my old reviews to new platform?
- How can my clients find me when searching the member directory?
- How can we get stats from our landing pages? Could we embed our own Google Analytics ID's in the landing page?
- How do I add a suburb to my deal? What if I want it available for a wider area or if my deal is on-line and virtual?
- How do I add my Facebook, Instagram or Twitter address URL to my landing page?
- How do I add, edit or delete images, photos, pics from my landing page?
- How do I buy additional landing page(s) and how much per landing page ?
- How do I create a link for clients to leave Google Reviews for my business?
- How do I create a Youtube channel for uploading videos to my landing page or profile?
- How do I edit or delete a deal?
- How do I load a deal? Can I load more than one deal?
- How do I see the mobile version of my landing page?
- How do I switch between landing pages and mark training sessions as complete?
- How do I upload a video or FB live videos to my landing page?
- How do I use the sliding scale for times on my landing page profile?
- How many categories/services should I list under?
- How many images can I upload to the photo gallery?
- How to add country and suburb to your landing page or profile?
- I am trying to ......... from a mobile device, but it is not working?
- I can't find a suitable category/service to list my business under?
- I can't upload my images, photos, pictures or logo?
- I do not have any high quality images to upload?
- I don't have a website, what should I put in the section on landing page that asks for website URL?
- I don't like the way my landing page looks on my first attempt, can I change it?
- I don't want to be a member anymore, but I want to keep the landing page?
- I have a free membership to gift to someone, can I use it for myself as an additional landing page?
- I have my own domains, how do I re-direct?
- I want to change my business name (URL)?
- I would like an E-Commerce Website? I would like to add Shopify to my landing page?
- I would like to add some features to my landing page or personalise it further. Or I would like my landing page to be more like a website with additional features.
- I would like to edit or delete a review, how do I do that?
- Is my landing page live yet and why can't I find it in a search?
- Is there a way to put images in the "About" section?
- Is this landing page a single lead generating page or can secondary pages be added?
- May I put a different email address on the landing page than the one I registered with?
- My Blog or My Deal page and images are not displaying correctly?
- My client submitted a review, but it is not showing on my landing page?
- My full address is not showing on my landing page, only the general area?
- My images are not very clear?
- My landing page URL is linked to this platform name, so what does that mean?
- My pricing is different than what the Deal section offers, what now?
- My social media links are not showing up on my profile (landing page)?
- My vimeo video on my landing page is not showing? It says "private" and I must log in?
- Someone filled in the contact form on my landing page and I got a confirmation SMS but no email?
- The changes I made to my profile/landing page are not reflecting on my listing?
- What about SEO integration?
- What are the starting and ending sliding slots for?
- What if I already have a website?
- What is the best size and dimension for images and what type of format?
- When I share my URL on Facebook, my logo is not displaying nicely, it is cut off or cropped?
- Where can I find a replay or recording of the first landing page review session?
- Who pays for the SMS' when someone contacts me via my landing page?
- Why am I getting fake enquiries or spam email from my landing page contact form?
- Why can't I save a portion of the landing page or profile information and come back later to complete the rest?
- Why is my logo displaying so small?
- Will someone be able to assist with "wording" for my landing page?
- Will you be able to help direct "traffic" to my landing page?
- Would it be possible to analyze our current website to optimize it?