Helping your workplace heal

Normal Price: 17,500.00
Deal Price: 15,500.00
Valid until: 2021-07-31

The team working for you is no longer the same
*Covid 19
*different lockdown levels,
*loss of family and friends
*and the constant changes
over the last 12months somehow most people are overwhelmed in silence or behind closed doors, therefore, the change you see or experience in your team is “Pain” your team members are going through pain, it is difficult to articulate emotional pain, therefore, people act it out through
*passive-aggressive behavior etc…

It’s time to engage your team and build a new workforce, a new society, it is time for healing.

This time work with the heart of your people, set aside productivity, processes, structures etc…stop being a bystander, be the change you want to see in the workplace, be bold, be authentic, be present, be an authentic leader.

#Heal your #Team and sign up for #helpingyourworkplaceheal

Helping Your Workplace Heal
a) Emphasize humanity and the worth of people as whole human beings
b) Emphasize the flexibility in the system
c)Emphasize the value of the organization as a community
d) Emphasize the range of emotions that are normal during a tragedy
e) Emphasize the organization’s core values.

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