Empowered Living Method – Accelerate your Freedom from Fear! 12 Weeks Program
- Elizabeth
I help disempowered Self Identified Alpha Adults accelerate their Growth Mindset to conquer conditioned fears and RePurpose their Power for Maximum Value, Impact & Success.
This Program is for languishing Professionals who want to make bold shifts in transforming their Mindset for big gains. Escaping unhelpful and destructive patterns can ensure peace and acceptance for a more joyful, balanced and fearless future.
I am a qualified Life, Mindset & Business Coach and Agile Entrepreneur currently accelerating MY OWN growth Mindset with multiple Marketing and Business Accelerators and a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology.
I have done my inner work, I have reawakened and repurposed strengths that had atrophied in employment and chronic mediocrity. I am Powering up to automate my life and business to focus on the thing that lights me up more than anything – helping others discover or rediscover their dreams, goals and focus to double down and Power up to go for what they want. Strong, fearless and a joy to behold!
Riddle me this – If the enemy of success is procrastination and procrastination is fear based, success is measured by joy and you feel little joy yet you know that action neutralizes fear – What do you need to tackle first?