
HE next in our series of debt-related articles sees *Keith telling the story of how he went from debt zero to debt hero by taking the right steps and seeking out sound professional help.

‘I was at quite a stressful and dark place in my life around two years ago,’ says Keith, who was a middle-aged KZN man on the brink of total financial collapse due to a mountain of debt and several unexpected life-changes.

Single, with two grown children, his debt had been worsened by two failed dealings with shifty loan and debt consultants.

‘Disheartened, it was a huge leap of faith for me to visit Money & Legal Matters, and I wasn’t expecting much.’

But he was surprised at the level of service he was offered, and the convenient manner in which his financial revival was begun.

‘I met with professionals, who talked me through the entire process, analyzed my debt and my affordability, and mentored me through the process. I was not pressured, and felt the process was both highly educational and transparent.’


Today, fifteen months later, Keith is in a different place.

‘I have a fixed monthly repayment, that does not fluctuate. I know the date my debt will be entirely paid up, and that is a light at the end of the tunnel for me.’

To those who are in the same position as Keith was at the beginning of his journey, he has the following advice:

‘Do not feel there is not way out – do not take irresponsible and rash steps with your money. Approach professionals, deal only with accredited agencies, and always know what is being done with your money throughout the process.’

* Name changed

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